Training | Page 2 | Concept2


Short and Spicy Workouts from the Archives

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Oct 14, 2020

Here are some great, 30-minute workout ideas from our archives. From 1991 to 2003, Larry Gluckman served Concept2 as our Human Resource person--and everyone’s personal coach. Larry had coached numerous Olympic and National Team crews in the years before he joined Concept2, and went back to coaching after he left us. His workout wisdom is evergreen, and well worth reposting 25 years later—with a few updates to reflect that fact that we now have the SkiErg and BikeErg in addition to our RowErg.
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Concept2 per l'esercito

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Sep 03, 2020

Un ergometro è un dispositivo che misura il lavoro e questo è il fondamento dell'attrezzatura da allenamento Concept2. Quando i fondatori di Concept2 Peter e Dick Dreissigacker hanno progettato l'originale ergometro Modello A, era importante per loro che il dispositivo fosse in grado di misurare in modo affidabile l’intensità e le prestazioni, in modo che i vogatori potessero misurare velocità e distanza come se fossero sull'acqua, e monitorare i loro progressi. Continue Reading ›

Tags: Training


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Jul 22, 2020

Se stai cercando l'accesso a migliaia di allenamenti pre-programmati gratuiti o vuoi provare programmi di allenamento che si adatteranno alle tue abilità e al tuo livello di fitness, allora KREW merita una prova. Puoi usare KREW con qualsiasi macchinario Concept2 RowErg, BikeErg o SkiErg dotato di PM3, PM4 (entrambi richiedono un cavo USB per la connessione) o PM5 (connessione Bluetooth wireless). Continue Reading ›

Recognizing Millions of Meters

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Jul 17, 2020

The Concept2 Million Meter Club was started over 30 years ago. There are thousands of personal stories behind each meter, and we love sharing them.

First, how it works: Every meter you ever row, ski or ride counts! Once you count up to one million (or more) we recognize the accomplishment with certificates and prizes. There are separate Million Meter Clubs for the RowErg, SkiErg and BikeErg (meters can't be combined). And added bonus: it’s free! Continue Reading ›

