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Concept2, Inc

Concept2 Compatible Apps: Try asensei

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Jun 05, 2020

“asensei” is an iOS App that connects with the Performance Monitor 5 (PM5) via Bluetooth. With the app, you can join coached video workouts with others around the world. Choose from a growing list of world-class coaches including two-time Gold Medalist and World Champion Eric Murray, YouTube rowing instructor Shane Farmer of Dark Horse Rowing, and San Francisco Studio Rowing coach Johan Quie. Continue Reading ›

Si riparte!

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May 25, 2020

Ci siamo oggi riaprono le palestre ecco le tipologie di allenamento che ti proponiamo per ricominciare al meglio.
Definisci i tuoi obiettivi e scopri come raggiungerli!
• Gare Quotidiane: costruiscono la base della tua forma fisica, tieni traccia degli allenamenti migliorando la velocità e il ritmo.
• Lunghe Distanze: ti aiutano a migliorare la resistenza.
• Hils: ti aiutano a migliorare la forza.
• Recovery: ti aiutano in un recupero attivo. Continue Reading ›

Getting Started? Try these Workouts

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Apr 23, 2020

Are you just starting out on your Concept2 machine and not knowing where to begin? While there’s a wealth of information on getting set up, training and staying motivated available on our website, we understand that you may be excited to get just right to it. What should your first few workouts look like? Let us point you in the right direction! Continue Reading ›

